FAQ - frequently asked questions  
Wing Chun
How long does it take to learn the complete art?
Are there any kicks in Wing Chun?
Are Wing Chun attacks only straight in?
Does Wing Chun have any groundfighting?
How many forms are in Wing Chun?
Is the re qi gong involved in Wing Chun?
Is Wing Chun a good martial art for women?
Is Wing Chun an internal art?
What is Chi Sao?
How long does it take to learn the complete art? to the beginning of the page
Mastering the art itself is a life long process. However, if your goal is to learn how to defend yourself, a period of 6-12 months will be enough to learn effective techniques to protect yourself and loved ones.
Are there any kicks in Wing Chun? to the beginning of the page
Yes, there are kicks in wing chun, there's even a kicking form called "sap lop gerk fat". And since we emphasize triple action (block, hand attack, foot attack), kicks are a fundamental building block of Pien San Wing Chun.
Are Wing Chun attacks only straight in? to the beginning of the page
This is all dependent on the range. From a distance, our goal is to close the gap and the quickest route is a straight line, however, the closer you get to your opponent the more circular the attacks become. Thus, the 3 basic hand forms in wing chun are different ranges. Siu Lim Tao represents a normal range between 2 opponents. Chum Kiu on the other hand closes the gap and teaches how to handle close range, where the bodies are touching each other. Finally, Bil Gee is used for emergency purposes in close range, as well as long range techniques.
Does Wing Chun have any groundfighting? to the beginning of the page
Every move in Wing Chun can be used in 4 different ways. For example, tan sau can be used as a block, attack, chi-na (pressure point attack), and take down. As for specifically dealing with ground fighting, chi sao teaches the student how to stick, whether that's standing up or on the ground, it can be applied regardless of the situation.
How many forms are in Wing Chun? to the beginning of the page
There are 3 basic hand forms to learn in wing chun, namely:

* Sil Lim Tao (the little goddess),
* Chum Kiu (bridge hands)
* Bil Gee (thrusting fingers).

In addition to that, we have:

* Sao Bao Kuen (sand bag form)
* Sap Lop Gerk Fat (kicking form)
* Siong Kwan (double baston)
* Chi Fat ( sticky long pole)
* Luk Dim Boon Kwan (long pole)
* Pat Cham Dao (Butterfly sword)
* Mok Yan Chong (wooden dummy)
* Ng Mui Sil Lim Tao
* Dai Lim Tao (great goddess).
Is the re qi gong involved in Wing Chun? to the beginning of the page
Yes, there is qi gong. The qi gong training itself can be found in all three hand forms.
Is Wing Chun a good martial art for women? to the beginning of the page
Considering that the art itself was designed by a nun, supports my opinion that Wing Chun is perfect for women. . What makes wing chun so effective, is that its not dependent on muscle and size. Its focus is understanding timing and structure.
Is Wing Chun an internal art? to the beginning of the page
Wing Chun is both internal and external. Developing internally can be achieved through Sil Lim Tao, heavy sticky hands, and through other means. For example, doing Siu Lim Tao for 15 minutes will help you to become good physically in the art. However, if mental and internal development are your goal you'll need to do it for 45 minutes.
What is Chi Sao? to the beginning of the page
Chi sao or otherwise referred to as sticky hands, is an exercise used to teach the Wing Chun students about sensitivity, power, timing, and other concepts. Chi sao does not teach you how to fight, but how to develop fighting skills. eg. how to redirect force that comes an extremely close range. Chi sao can only be found in the art of wing chun, and is what makes our style so unique.