Ben |
Ben is the official USA representative of the Austin Goh International Kung Fu Association, based in London, UK, as well as Sifu Juerg Zieglers Martial Arts Centre, based in Zurich, Switzerland.
With his experience in a variety of martial arts systems (Gung Fu, Muay Thai, Hap Ki Do, Filipino Stick Fighting, Small Circle JuJitsu, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Pressure Point Fighting) and the teaching license from both his Wing Chun teachers, he is THE opportunity for anyone in Wisconsin, sincerely interested in learning the true art of Wing Chun Kuen.
Ben constantly seeks to deepen his understanding of the Martial Arts by seeking further instruction with various Masters, such as Grandmaster Rene Tongson, Master Will Higginbotham, Guro Ken Smith, Guro Lance Jensen, etc.
Ben with his Sifu Juerg Ziegler
Madison's only Gung Fu Sifu's (Missing: Tricia Yu from the Tai Chi Center Madison)
From left to right: Sifu Bob Yu, Sifu Nelson Ferreira, Sifu Luo De Xu (Guest Lecturer from Taiwan), Ben
Pakua Sifu Su Dong Chen and Ben
From left to right: Guro Roger, Ben, Grandmaster Ernesto A. Presas, Sifu Juerg Ziegler, Guro Randy
Ben as special guest at ZYKFA instructor grading.